Thursday, July 9, 2009

Let your ideas be heard!!!

Follow the above link to put your two cents into the National Technology Plan.

Also, this blog has great ideas to use in your classroom.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hey Team,
I just wanted to say it was an honor to work with such a great team. It was like working with people that you had always worked with. I had fun and we accomplished so much and I am so thankful for the training. I'll see you all tomorrow and I am so excited for the new equipment.
Thanks again,
Joyce Horbas


Do I just hit publish to post?


Your team is meeting in 117 Wilber Hall on campus. I will be there and look forward to seeing you! I have been lurking-- reading your entries and rushing off to stuff! Sounds like you have a lot to share--- we have had our tech challenges/discoveries all week here too....